Intend, visualize, actualize.

Connect with your innate power and draw into your life that which you most desire, with an intuitively created custom-designed art piece, which expresses the essence of your highest self.

What if you could have a reminder of all the qualities that make you strong and beautifully unique? An image that connects you with your higher self and awakens your true essence.

Your Soul Essence Portrait is the ultimate expression of the highest and most empowered version of yourself.

It will include all the elements of that which inspires and guides you; from wise ancestors to your spirit animal guides, sacred geometry and symbology, goddess archetypes, icons, and more.

Having studied subliminal and psychic healing, I understand the value of bridging the gap between desires and bringing visions into form. Inscribing imagery into the subconscious where beliefs reside, helps to magnetize and actualize our goals.

“Sivitri is a pioneer and way-seer, channeling and embodying potent priestess oracle energy. Her art work is powerfully healing and transformative. Possessing an innate understanding of archetypes on a deep soul level she has the ability to bring out an individual’s ‘personal’ archetype. Her personalized Soul Essence Portraits are keys to unlocking one’s potential. She instinctively knows what is right for a person. Her visions are pure, compelling and spot-on”.

~ Rachel Mai, master clairvoyant


The process begins with a head and shoulders image of yourself. This a good quality image that you connect to as being your authentic self.

I then ask you a few simple questions in order for me to get an idea of your passions, intention, and purpose. I use the answers as a framework to begin your design.

Before beginning and throughout the creation process, I intuitively tap into your energy in order to see what is most aligned and required to bring your personal vision to life and to mirror back to you your essence self.

Images, symbols, and colors come to me as essential components of your Soul’s Essence to be included in the creation of your portrait.

I then set about finding just the right images to use in your art piece – using my own photography, wherever possible and choosing images from stock photo libraries. This is where the piece tangibly starts to come to life and no image or symbol is placed on the canvas without meaning.

Each layer and image is placed for a specific intention and artfully arranged to accentuate your beauty and personal vision.

The creation of the Soul Essence Portrait is a dance of adding and subtracting colors, patterns, symbols, and words until completion is achieved – distilling the image down to the most potent elements.

Finally, an affirmation, unique to your Soul’s Essence, comes through, which sums up your vision – words that highlight the qualities that are pertinent in magnetizing your desires and empowering your spirit.

Once your artwork is complete I will send you a high-resolution digital file that you can download. The intention is for the portrait to be placed where it can be seen on a daily basis, preferably on your sacred altar or your desktop, so that the imagery and symbols are recognized and imprinted into the subconscious on a regular basis.

I will also give you a couple of simple practices to work with in order to get the most out of your portrait once you have it. This includes a dream and journaling practice which only takes a few minutes a day.

From a place of seeing, feeling, and believing, comes receiving.

I look forward to working with you to co-create your Soul Essence Portrait.


Because my clients are from all over the world and I acknowledge that there is a huge difference in currency values, I have sliding scale pricing, ranging from $222-$322 per portrait.  Please contact me to discuss your portrait and pricing.

Nature and layers are the common threads running through all of the avenues of artwork I create. These are my inspirations and my mission is to utilize them to create and share beauty that transforms and uplifts.